Simple listing and review management.

Manage all your listings and reviews from across the web in one central place.

Take control of your online presence with simplified local marketing.

Trusted by

Don’t miss out on local customers.

When customers are looking for services nearby, they turn to local search. The listings and reviews they find have a big impact on whether they decide to buy.


of people who use local search to find a local business go on to visit or purchase from that business.

customers say online reviews impacted their decision to purchase.

Source: Digital State of the
Midwest Report (2022)

2 out of 3

Locations Listings

All your listings in one place. Manage all your clinic locations from one place and quickly make bulk updates to hours across Google and Facebook.

People Listings

Optimize your individual provider listing. Keep your people listings up to date with accurate information and manage patient reviews for individual providers.

“Posting our holiday hours through Google Business Profile would take me several hours to update. That time has been cut down drastically with Stratus.”

— Derek Soukup, First Dakota National Bank

Get started with Stratus

See how Stratus can simplify your local marketing with easy-to-use listing and review management.

Time-Saving Features

Learn in minutes. Save Hours. 

In-Depth Reporting

Understand your local marketing performance. 


Built with compliance and patient confidentiality in mind.

Unlimited Users

One low monthly fee. As many users as you want. 

See Stratus in Action

See how Stratus can simplify your local marketing with time-saving features and an easy-to-use interface.

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Experience streamlined listing and review management with Stratus for yourself. No credit card required.